Temporary issues with torrents pages not loading properly (torrents don't appear at all).
GFL Global Freeleech will end on Sunday 9th.
Server is down
Donations and seedbox.php renewals via BTC has been restored, enjoy.
Global Freeleech Enabled untill Friday 10PM UTC! Have fun!
Global Freeleech has Ended!
Global Freeleech is active.
Update Progress: Pending In Progress: CSS options. Automatic Archive Processing. Wiki/Rules has been cleared up of old Data and updated to...
css Stylesheet Submission thread created for user to Submit css posting this early in case anyone wants to submit for next week.
Upcoming update Update date has been moved to allow time to finish some stuff so we can add it now, instead of waiting untill end of the month!...
"Promotions are disabled while we work on the user classes."
Moving On! Looking for a few staff to fill the ranks check forum post Looking for input on User Rank name changes / additions as this has been...
As of today, the User Class Promotion script has been sorted and in working order. Please allow a few hours before the script makes its updates to...
Hello everyone, We'd like to take a moment and let everyone know, the site's auto promotion script is currently offline. We're working on a...
Welcome to AR to all the newer users, including the SCC refugees! Hello to existing members! Random Download Stat Decrease for ALL! 5 Days of 1:3...