- Bit-HDTV is recruiting for the entry level staff member position of torrent checker. More details can be found in the Torrent Checker...
Site is down for maintenance. Please check back later!
Site is down. The server is not responding.
Announcement In order to keep the site alive, we accept donations. All money raised will be invested in our servers, bandwidth provider. Keep in...
The bot will be down because the seedbox is being moved to other server.
Bejelentés Annak érdekében, hogy a webhely életben maradjon, adományokat fogadunk el. Minden összegyűjtött pénzt szervereinkbe,...
In order to keep the site alive, we accept donations. All money raised will be invested in our servers, bandwidth provider. Keep in mind that this...
A migration of the seedbox is underway, the bot will be offline so expect no uploads of your favorite tv for 1-3 days depending of the migration...
The servers may be offline today for a couple of hours.
In order to keep the site alive, we accept donations. All money raised will be invested in our servers, bandwidth provider. Keep in mind that...
Tracker offline - maintenance.
502 Bad Gateway Tracker offline - more than likely maintenance.
Some changes will be made this weed to our servers ( migration to other data-center, hardware upgrades, etc. ), so you may experience downtime on...
Tracker showing gateway error.
On 8-9 February the platform will go into a scheduled maintenance and upgrade of the platform, you may experience downtime on all services.
Starting today we lowered the class requirements to be able to upload/seed/leech Anonymous to Power User. This change was highly requested due...
Felajánlok 1 x BitHd-Tv Meghívót [IMG] * Ne cserélgetésre kérd * Speedtest vagy seedbox screenshot * Miért is szeretnél csatlakozni
Invite system is open for Elite Users+
Design contest winner is a*!! Congrats!!
2010-08-11 - Hello Everyone We have some issues with new site, so start will be delayed a little. Also design contest has been...