Google Translation: Updates / changes on BJ-Share! Hello guys Today we will start a series of updates to implement new features in our Store ,...
Google Translation: New rule 1.12. Any type of alteration in Internal releases is strictly prohibited, the users involved will have their...
Google Translation: Rules change Old 1.10. Releases that contain 2 (two) or more types of files together on the same torrent with different...
Google Translation: Rules change Old: 2.18. BJ-Points must be used only for donations between users, being prohibited the use as currency of...
Google Translation: BJ-Share Christmas changes / updates! Hello people, We are getting closer and closer to the long-awaited Christmas and New...
Google Translation: Rules change Old: In series, when the full season is released, single episodes with the same format, quality and...
Google Translation: Official BJ-Share Chat Hello guys, Just as the name of this News suggests, today we are opening an Official BJ-Share Chat...
Google Translation: Rules change New rule 1.11. Deactivation and / or ban reasons will only be passed on to their respective account owners and...
Google Translation: Rules change New rule 2.23. It is strictly forbidden to make lists, channels, sales sites and any and all content related...
Google Translation: New BJ-Share Store Hello friends, As of today, we are implementing the new BJ-Share Store. We will have a modality of...
Google Translation: Return of the Brazilian League Pool Hello guys! Guess who's back, to the delight and despair of some? That's right, our...
Google Translation: Changes / updates to BJ-Share! Hello guys! We inform you that members of upload groups will now receive double BJ-Points...
Google Translation: End of temporary Freeleech and new BJ-Points system Hello people, As you may have noticed, we reached the end of our...
Google Translation: Temporary freeleech due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Hello people, In troubled times, with the crisis caused by the...
Google Translation: The Release Groups are back! Hello people, Some time ago we polled which of you were in favor or against the return of the...
Google Translation: BJ-Share Holiday Invitations! Hello people, Just as the name of this News suggests, on the upcoming day of 25/12 we will be...
Google Translation: The signatures are back! Hello people, We are bringing back a feature that has existed since the first version of our site,...
Google Translation: Staff PM's new section Hello people, We're adding a new section on Staff PM called Themes / Banners, just for you to send...
Google Translation: BJ-Black Banner Good afternoon people. We are creating this topic in order to find the best banner for the site. It should...
Google Translation: New Image Hosting System Hello people, We have just updated the way images are sent to the end of the release, now we will...
Google Translation: Return of Video Lessons, creation of the Courses category Hello people, As some users in our beloved community may have...
Google Translation: Which category do you most miss? Hello guys, We are doing a fairly basic search, just to know which category you miss most...
Google Translation: Release of CAM qualities Hello guys, For some time now we were thinking of releasing the qualities said here because then...
Google Translation: Creation of the new Overlord class Hello guys, We are adding a new class on our website and from this on getting and...
Google Translation: Changes in client torrents and new rule of inactivity Hello everyone, we are starting the black list of torrent clients,...
Google Translation: Closed registrations! Hello guys. After these almost 3 years we have a large and consolidated community, aiming at the best...
Google Translation: Christmas Promotion Winners Hello, everyone, I'm here to announce the winners of the Christmas Promotion Smallest unique...
GOOGLE TRANSLATION: Hello, dear user, we've sent you this message to let you know about our recent promotion. All those who make a donation until...
Google Translation: Christmas has come sooner! Christmas Promotion! All right with you? Hope so! This Christmas BJ can make you happier....
Google Translation: RSS Feed Creation Hello guys. We are pleased to announce the return of such a useful tool. Some may not know, but our team...