New Donation System Greetings Everyone, Keeping this short and sweet because as many of you know I don't like talking donations much. So here's...
Downtime due to server issues.
Store Is Disabled While We Refactor The BON System!
Greetings, BLU now offers 61 Languages. So if you weren't using English and your language is now messed up please reselect your language as...
Greetings, All previous "Registered Seedbox IP's" for the high speed torrent have been truncated from our database. We are now using OpenSSL to...
Global Freeleech mode activated! EXPIRED!
Just want to announce that there's going to be some new features added to UNIT3D based on requests by members in my other thread / requests by...
Global Freeleech mode activated! 7 days, 14 hours, 49 minutes, 21 seconds
Newest Internal filth85 Lets give our newest internal filth85 a warm welcome. Some of you old heads might recognize the name from the BluRG days....
Announcing BLURANiUM Greetings all, Blutopia is happy to announce our very own internal remuxing and encoding group, BLURANiUM. Our releases will...
Greetings, You can sign in using your Blutopia credentials now.....but keep in mind its still BETA (WIP). Best Regards, Staff