Happy 13th Birthday BootyTape!!! September 22nd, 2020!!! Lotto and FreeLeech!! Happy 13th Birthday BootyTape. Well i'll keep it short, Happy...
Site is down "SSL Certificate Error"
FreeLeech and 20GB Lotto for all, everyone that enters wins, that's the rule!!!! Okay Here's the rules to the current running lotto: Everyone...
Update June 10th, 2020: In an effort to allow better sharing and connection of peers, a new page has been added called "Connect Checker", this...
Update May 26th, 2020: I'm realizing some people have older computers and even though HTTPS support has been out since before 2011 and is...
Hello, Today May 6th, 2020 i'm announcing support for SSL/TLS (HTTPS) Encryption for for our torrent tracker (back end). Since I announced the...
Update March 30th, 2020: To keep with the guidelines that were presented in the United States of America, I will keep this FreeLeech going until...
Update March 27th, 2020 (Link updated): Early report of QBittorrent 4.2.2 causing issues, so hold off from upgrading to version QBittorrent 4.2.2....
Update: There has been connection issues with our tracker for ipv6 users mostly. I believe that connections to our tracker weren't being routed...
Üdvözlet! A torrentek hosszabb élettartamának megkísérlése érdekében elkészítettem egy új oldalt, amelynek címe: Befejezés. A linket és azt, hogy...
2020: New Year and New Vision!!! ----------------------------------- Research and Development: ----------------------------------- Hello...
What are Seed Bonus points, and how do I get them? They're points you get from seeding torrents. First I want to mention that we have an...
Hello, I've seen that different members have had issues with Utorrent. What I would suggest for all the users with hundreds of torrents in...
FreeLeech and 1MB of Upload Lotto to Win 20GBs for All!!! In the future I will not be linking to Utorrent/Bittorrent because after all these...
Hello, This message is about an update to the Torrent Blocker system, I've added the feature to block all Throw Back torrents now. This means if...
Okay Here's the rules to the current running lotto: Everyone Can Buy 1 Ticket Each Ticket Cost 1 MegaByte Upload The Grand Prize is 10,000 GBs...
Új banner került hozzáadásra. Inkább ihlettem, és ritkán új grafikát készítek. Találtam néhány korábbi, a korábbi bannerekről készített...