IRC Service - User Identifiers is offline for the past 8 hours.
Website and (HTTP & HTTPS) Tracker are offline for the past 2 hours. Barney Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 2 hours. IRC Service -...
(HTTP & HTTPS) Tracker is offline for the past 1 hour. Barney Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 2 hours.
Website and Tracker were unstable for the past 1 hour, mostly down (currently up). Barney Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 3 hours. IRC...
Barney Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 4 hours.
Web Service - BTN API is offline for the past 3 hours.
Merry Christmas - The user cap will be raised and invites will resume Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and all that. I know I said when all hit...
User Cap Christmas Single episodes downloaded from BTN need to be seeded 24 hours or 1:1 ratio within 2 weeks of snatching and season packs 120...
Website and tracker have been unstable for the past one hour (mostly down). Issues seem to have been resolved for now.
(HTTP & HTTPS) Tracker is offline for the past 1 hour.
BTN Advent Calendar is live! Click here for your daily fix
Website & (HTTP & HTTPS) Tracker are offline for the past 1 hour.
2x Upload is on. 19 hours left.
(HTTP & HTTPS) Tracker is unstable (connectivity problems) for the past 1-2 hours.
Pumpkin Carving Competition 2020! October is getting on and Halloween is coming way too quickly (I don't have a costume ready at ALL), so BTN...
2x upload is on. 102 hours left.
Barney Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 3 hours.
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 1 hour.
Website, Tracker & IRC Services are offline for the past 1 hour.
Az IRC felhasználói azonosítók offline állapotban vannak az elmúlt 4 órában.
IRC User Identifiers is offline for the past 3 hours.
2x Upload is activated on site for about 10 days.
IRC User Identifiers is offline for the past 1 hour.
IRC User Identifiers is offline for the past 7 hours.
IRC User Identifiers is offline for the past 2 hours.
There's some disagreement about when we should celebrate BTN's birthday (should it be from when the database first went online? From the creation...
BTN is having a birthday celebration. Festivities include a cake decorating contest, a site double seed, some raffles and a few other things.