Google Translation: Freeleech: 14h 5m 34s
Google Translation: Freeleech: 16h 48m 14s
Google Translation: Freeleech: 13h 46m 12s
Google Translation: Current News Good morning all In view of the latest news, we inform you that we will not open the site to registrations. If...
Google Translation: Freeleech: 10h 34m 32s
Google Translation: Freeleech: 16h 37m 12s
Google Translation: Freeleech: 08h 44m 43s
Google Translation: Freeleech: 11h 14m 22s
Google Translation: Freeleech: 10h 21m 28s
Google Translation: Freeleech: 09h 50m 15s
Google Translation: Freeleech: 09h 58m 35s
Google Translation: Freeleech: 12h 30m 25s
Google Translation: Freeleech: 9h 16m 29s
Google Translation: Freeleech: 15h 12m 22s
Google Translation: Discord Hello, For those who want to join the TCTG group Discord, here is the link: here Best regards, The Staff
Google Translation: Freeleech: 14h 08m 43s
Google Translation: Freeleech: 10h 48m 09s
Google Translation: Freeleech: 11h 20m 43s
Google Translation: Freeleech: 07h 51m 29s
Google Translation: Freeleech: 15h 10m 09s
Google Translation: Freeleech: 16h 42m 04s
Google Translation: Added Team Forbidden Good morning all; This message is to warn you! A new team has been added in Forbidden on the site The...
Google Translation: Registration open until August 16 included
Google Translation: Reminder information Small reminder following server concerns of several uploaders in the categories already mentioned, many...
Google Translation: Seeding server problem !! Hello, This message is sent to report about following a problem with the rutorrent server....
Google Translation: Registrations open until July 14 inclusive --------------------------------------- Freeleech: 18h 53m 34s
Google Translation: Hello, the site is not available due to stability problems !! Host has launched a system test cordially
Google Translation: Good evening We have a small technical problem, we'll come back very quickly
Server is down
Google Translation: Following some server issues, we encountered a Backup problem, so we had to upload a backup from a month ago. Unfortunately...