Just some advance notice that there will be an outage to this site on Monday May 11th at some point during business hours EDT, (UTC -5). We are...
Site Outage On Monday May 11th By: g********** Just some advance notice that there will be an outage to this site on Monday May 11th at some...
News Items Yes, I removed the recent News items regarding missing torrents. I did not feel that they were needed any longer as the replacement...
Missing Torrents (Update) Not the most exciting way to spend a holiday Monday, but I have now processed through line *** of the *** missing...
Site Rules I have updated the Site's Rules and I strongly recommend everyone to read it. It clarifies issues that have transpired over the last 5...
To All Members, With the site growing and changes that have taken place over the past 5 years I have gotten with g******** to make this...
As the private torrent world has been getting smaller and smaller, it has become apparent that certain members behavior in taking other members...
I am still finding some issues with SQL queries that are not working since the database upgrade. One of these is when SENDING INVITATIONS. As you...
Tracker is OFFLINE.
Crashed Sorry about the outage today. We had some corruption on the server root disk, (not sure how that happened), which caused the system to...
We are very curious as to why there is such little interested in Blu-Ray torrents. we have created a new poll to try and find out why they are...