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Google Translated: Hello everyone, everyone: After a period of hard work, the WEB group of this station has released a lot of resources. It is...
Dear Members, In order to improve the quality of seeding, we have updated the calculating way of Bonus. Details below. 1. You can browse the...
Google Translated: Notification about cleaning up inactive users 1) Cleanup objects, from March 23, 2018 to January 13, 2019, users who have...
The site is down for maintenance
In order to survive, I will have a test advertisement on the front page of the website in early September. It is expected that by December 2018,...
Google Translation: From October 2nd 00:00 to October 4th 23:59, the whole station is Free, all seeds are downloaded free of charge, and the...
Google Translation: Since there is no source of income for the station at present, all rely on the administrator to pay from his own pockets. Due...
Site is down for maintenance, please check back again later...
In celebrating the 7th anniversary of CMCT-PT, we will open invitation system from 09/01 00:10 to 09/03 24:00 (UTC+8). Members whose classes are...
CMCT2017年上半年工作组招募公告 想获取方便的同时为别人做点儿什么吗?想加入CMCT这个光荣的团队吗?CMCT工作组现面向全体会员长期 招募下列人员,若您有兴趣参与请从以下组中选择适合自己的小组加入: 1、双语组:双语字幕调校要有一定的英文基础,英文最少四级以上;...
Touch Spring Forum has restored access, widely advertised.
At the same time want easy access for others to do anything? CMCT want to join this glorious team do? CMCT for all members of the working group is...
Honourable Members, To celebrate CMCT-PT 6th Anniversary (2010-2016), the site will be open from July 16 to July 30 the invitation system, more...
2016农历丙申年猴年-CMCT春节活动预告 爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。 千门万户曈曈日,总把新桃换旧符。 王安石《元日》 致亲爱的会员们: 又是一年春节将至 从10年起到如今的16年 我们一起风风雨雨走过这么多年 正是有了大家长情的陪伴 才有了如今CMCT大家庭...
Notice of the way to appeal From now on, BBS will not accept any appeal for PT users If you have any question of your banned account, please send...
HDCMCT- PT News | In Celebrating Spring Festival freeleech(2x Up) and invitations 1, Free Leech and 2X up on Jan 31st and Free Leech from Feb...