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ÜDVÖZÖLJÜK az új dán torrentkövető DÁN BÁTOK ünnepélyes megnyitóján, kedves kalózaim! Mint valószínűleg mindenki tudja, a többi legnagyobb dán...
Global Freeleech Mode Activated! Open Registration Activated! Global Double Upload Mode Activated! 4 days, 9 hours, 51 minutes, 47 seconds...
Google Translation: Welcome to Danishbits users It seems to have put a lot of gunpowder on trackers lately, It is of course very sad. We see a...
From Staff: Google Translation: Dear users, it is unfortunately with a lump in the throat that we must inform you that DB as you all know it,...
Downtime due to server issues.
Google Translation: PlayBoy logo, The intern has been on it again, so now you all have a nice little PlayBoy logo as a forum title, enjoy it as...
Google Translation: Downtime We are very sorry about the downtime these days. This is because we are under DDOS attack at the moment but a...
Google Translation: User class pm's We are aware that a change has been made which has had an unforeseen side effect. Wait for info. // Staff
Google Translation: Problems with payment / donation We have been made aware that there have been problems in the last few weeks with making...
Google Translation: Downtime We very much regret Tuesday's downtime, a trainee had ripped a network cable out from a server and afterwards taken...
Google Translation: Limited time offer Super offer (40% discount) More here donate.php
Google Translation: Card payment again available Now it is possible to make payments again with V*** and M***! This is a little different than...
Google Translation: Limited time offer Flash offer (40% discount) Card payment available! More here donate.php
Site is experiencing connectivity issues due to invalid SSL certificate.
Google Translation: Update your client If you can't download then look here We have allowed an older version of TLS for a longer period of time...
Google Translation: Scammer at stake There has been a scam going on Danishbits, the name of the scammer was: "TheDealer". He sent PM's to a...
Google Translation: New on Danishbits Dear users, We've been at the drawing board again, and this time it's been time to shed some light on the...
Google Translation: Parking of own account Dear users, It is now time for another new feature on Danishbits, which we hope you will enjoy. We...
Connectivity issues due to invalid SSL certificate.