Google Translation: "Nothing bad happens, we are just updating the website. We will be back with an improved website when we are done. :tef344:"...
Google Translation: Server work is done, will be active as soon as possible
Website is experiencing errors when loading pages (not displayed properly), due to database issues. Apparently, work is being done on the site.
FreeLeech ON We are making server costs All Torrents Free THC and Twilights servers will be paid this month for sure. Thank all of you set by B**...
Google Translation: Starting to get cold now, dark and sad. Did not turn out exactly as we had imagined with irc. We have acquired a new server...
Google Translation: Dear uploaders, We recently brought the request corner to your attention again. Some have done something with that too. Now,...
As some of you may know, in spring 2020 we began the long process of merging together 3 big communities: IceTorrent, MyXZ and SceneFZ. Lots of...
***SITE CLEAN UP*** We have done a massive clean up of the site. We deleted many dead torrents, some that have not been seeded since 2015. I...
Temporarily, you can donate through paypal, to cover the payment of a seedbox in advance. The promotion to VIP will be done between 24 and 72...
The biggest work is done now. All that is left is the shoutbox, which doesn't refresh itself in real time when people speak. you can of course...
We're not done with most of the pages still, expect out of place extras and bugs. Forever
Google Translation: Change of Hit & Run Hello Modification in Hit & Run ...... We pass the rule from 12h to 36h of compulsory sharing ,,,, you...
Hello Everyone, Please note that Pending VIP Upgradation will be done on 09 September 2019. Please be patient. Thank you
Here's BakaBT with the latest BakaBT news! The server is now hardware fixed but there's still software work that needs to be done (I definitely do...
Google Translation: Improvements We try to improve our site every day and we are proud to say that we reasonably succeed. Since today we have...
Maintenance Completed.
Search backend is being worked on again. Intermittent issues are to be expected. Sorry for the mess.