"Our proxy and IRC servers are currently unavailable. We're working to restore these services as quickly as possible. The site and tracker...
24 hours Global Freeleech is on. 23 hours left Don't forget to grab your valentine's day present!
Hello GazelleGames! Upcoming Site IP Change Due to some changes we're making, one of our site IPs will be changing next week. Once things have...
24 hours Global Freeleech is on.
Website is experiencing some issues in the last few hours.
There's an ongoing issue with incorrect seeding values being recorded. We hope to have it resolved ASAP.
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 4 hours.
We're aware of some tracker issues, seeding torrents count may be incorrect time to time. The issue will be fixed ASAP.
24 hours Global Freeleech (and other buffs) is on. 21 hours left Item costs are 0.8 for more than 2 days
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 7 hours.
Website & IRC Server are offline for the past 1 hour.
IRC 2x IRC lines were not counted correctly for the past 9 days. A 2x line buff is in effect for the rest of the year as compensation.
24 hours Freeleech is on.
Global freeleech (24h) is on. Also 2.2x upload for three days, 2x bounty on/from requests for three days, among other things.
GGN 24hrs freeleech is on.
(HTTP & HTTPS) Tracker is offline for the past 1 hour.
GOG Uploads, E-Books, and GGn History Hello GGn Community! GOG Uploads & Goodies In early 2019, we've made some changes aimed at improving GOG...
24 hours Freeleech and 3 days 2x upload is on.
GGn has 0.1x dl for next 3 days. Not a total freeleech but nearly one for 3 days.
Sitewide freeleech is on. 0.0x downloads for 24 hours.
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 2 hours.
Freeleech is active, download counting 0.0 x DL.
Verified Dumps and Filenames Hello GazelleGames! This is going to be a shorter announcement, primarily relevant for users and uploaders dealing...
Freeleech & 2x upload are active. 2 days left
Connectivity issues due to invalid SSL certificate.
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 1 hour.
Site seems to be up at the moment.