24 hours Freeleech and 3 days 2x upload is on.
GGn has 0.1x dl for next 3 days. Not a total freeleech but nearly one for 3 days.
Sitewide freeleech is on. 0.0x downloads for 24 hours.
Sitewide freeleech is on. Freeleech till * EST 22:00 * PST 19:00 * UTC 03:00
Global freeleech is enabled.
Sitewide freeleech is on.
4 Torrents Groups are currently on Freeleech [4 FL Pots Active ]
8 Torrents Groups are currently on Freeleech [8 FL Pots Active ]
11 Torrents Groups are currently on Freeleech [11 FL Pots Active ]
Global Freeleech for the next 24 hours.
24h Freeleech is on.
Looks like GGn is Freeleech. [IMG] lets grab everything