Google Translation: Welcome the remote subtitle group to this station In order to provide better subtitles to the majority of Sky members, I...
"Translation:" Join conditions: 1. Have a certain WEB basis, with relevant production experience is preferred for recruitment (priority to...
2018 Sky subtitles group sincerely recruiting subtitles talent In order to provide our members with more perfect film resources, Sky Subtitles...
2018.02.15 - 祝全体HDSky会员2018新春快乐 全站免费6天! 祝HDSky全体会员在新的一年里万事如意!!! 祝愿大家在HDSky分享更多精彩,收获更多快乐!!! 愿我们共同的天空家园更加和谐美丽! 全站开启6天免费,结束时间为2018-02-21 23:59:00...