Hello, Goodbye and See 'ya It is a time for celebration, Hydra Zone exists since over a year. Time flew by and not much happened. This was...
Yes my friends and fellow pirates, the site was down for quite some time, but now it's back up and you can enjoy sharing and caring on your...
Back from the dead Yes my friends and fellow pirates, the site was down for quite some time, but now it's back up and you can enjoy sharing and...
There hasn't been a news post in a while. What happened? Is there a lot of progress for the new features? Not much Is Hydra dead? No, we are...
Freeleech has ended, we're ratioless now. No users will be put on ratio watch or get their download privileges disabled because of their ratio (if...
Ahoy pirates! We've worked hard in the past week to get the IRC and image hoster running. We've been partly successful. The IRC is online and...
Update 1 Quote: Progress has been made: The log checker is available for manual use: logchecker.php It is a rather old release of Libble's log...