Google Translation: Inactivity on the site The accounts will be automatically deleted after 30 days of inactivity, all classes combined. To...
Feeling lucky? Show your holiday spirit for a chance to win an invite. Take a pic of your Xmas tree, lights outside or draw us a picture. Upload...
We hope that all of you are well in these trying times. We would like to say thanks to any of you who are 'Essential Workers' out there in the...
Awesome-HD Annual Account Amnesty (2020) It's time to offer account amnesty for 2020. Anyone who has had their account disabled for inactivity...
Inactivity Pruning Resumed With the tracker issues happily sorted and well behind us, please note we have turned on pruning for inactive torrents...
Account Issues - Inactivity Since we wish to maintain an active user base, we now require users to log in to the site a minimum of once every 15...
Inactivity Changes Inactive accounts from August 2018 and prior will now be pruned. Inactive accounts created after August 2018 can expect the...
Staff will be disabling and deleting accounts that are inactive or have excessive Hit n Runs. Once it's done you will have to apply as a new user...
My account is locked for inactivity and I want to reenable it. I think I need to connect with them on IRC, but I am having trouble connecting...