Join the fun and become staff on IPT! Recruitment We have sat and watched, and we have sat and learned a lot about our users here on IPT. We see...
IPTV IP restriction will be enforced within 72 hours. Please visit the IPTV Panel and whitelist your IP addresses. More here: iptv.php (for IPT...
2 x UPLOAD Credit & Free IPTV with *30,347 Live HD channels. No freezes or interruptions! Guaranteed!
Now you can add extra Connections to a single line for a better experience for your home entertainment. Check IPTV page for more info. More...
Real Reason for Buffering - Read Before you Complain In nearly all support requests due to buffering, the problem is nearly always USER BASED....
Buffering problem solved!!! High quality channels with no buffering! FREE Access to 24,910 IPTV HD channels and 47,300+ VOD. More here: iptv.php...
[IMG] + Get FREE Access to 23,840 IPTV HD channels and 41,000+ VOD. If you like our content and would like to help, please consider making a...
[IMG] + Get FREE Access to 23,840 IPTV HD channels and 41,000+ VOD. Cut the EXPENSIVE cable TV cord and get IPTV.
Happy New Year! Get Access to 23,840+ IPTV HD, UHD channels and 38,000+ VOD. Double UP - Only 1 day left! More here: iptv.php (for IPT Donors)
Our main IPTV is very stable now in HD and UHD. (for IPT Donors)
For the time being, Click here to use our backup IPTV service. (for IPT Donors)
We've upgraded to Premium VIP Live Channels. Channels are UP and very stable! Please Regenerate your m3u file to get the latest configuration!...
New IPTV Panel is released! Over 10,000+ HD channels and 140TB VOD.
IPTV channels list updated! Access 9000+ IPTV channels. 140TB Movies/TVs/XXX VoD Archive & increasing... No freezes or interruptions! Click...
If you are a donor, access 5000+ premium HD channels and 20,000+ VOD....
New things coming your way!! This main post will be updated by ME when something new is happening. This is not a thread for you to bitch in, if...
DOUBLE UP 2x UPLOAD donate.php
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