Magico - Trelas new site address:
Happy New Year The company of Magico wishes you a Happy New Year, with health and happiness.
Site has moved to a new domain:
Site is experiencing connectivity issues due to invalid SSL certificate.
Google Translation: The (domain) change is complete and we are now operating normally in
Site has moved to a new domain:
Google Translation: OUR SITE IS IN FREELEECH MODE (Every Friday, Saturday & Sunday until 6/9/2020)
Google Translation: OUR SITE IS IN FREELEECH MODE (Until 8/6/2020)
Google Translation: OUR SITE IS IN FREELEECH MODE (Until 20/4/2020)
Google Translation: Upgrading work has not yet begun due to server delivery delays. The most likely date is Monday 30/3/2020 and it will take...
Site is experiencing connectivity issues.
Google Translation: UPGRADING WORKS (28/3/2020) Please be advised that due to the delay of the required materials, the upgrade will be postponed...
Google Translation: Please be informed that today 27/3/2020 and for approximately 12 hours, our site will be closed for upgrade work.
Google Translation: REGISTRATION OF NEW MEMBERS Please be informed that the REGISTRATION, for those new friends who want to join us, will be...
Google Translation: REGISTRATION OF NEW MEMBERS Please be informed that the REGISTRATIONS, for any new friends who wish to join us, will be OPEN...
Google Translation: FACEBOOK Follow us on Facebook to quickly and surely find out all about our site... You can follow us by clicking HERE
MERRY CHRISTMAS Magico's friends wish you a Merry Christmas and give you a 100gb gift to download as you wish and 1 invitation to invite any...
Google Translation: Please be advised that our site will be closed from Monday 25/11/2019 at 4am (24h) to complete the upgrade and troubleshoot...
Site is down. The server is not responding.
Google Translation: Streaming (online viewing) In the last 2 days you will have noticed that the streaming option has been removed from our site...
Google Translation: FREELEECH Until Sunday September 15, 2019 our site will be in FREELEECH mode. Also for each donation until 15/9/2019 you...
Google Translation: FREELEECH From Friday 26 July 2019 and every Friday, Saturday and Sunday until September 15, 2019 our site will be in the...
Google Translation: REGISTRATIONS Please note that registrations are closed and new members will only be accepted through invitations. If you...
At Magico Team we are a company that makes our hobby. If you are interested in joining our Translation Team, please contact us at ****
Google Translation: Magico.*** Please be advised that as of January 20, 2019, you will only be able to enter our page from magico.***...
Google Translation: If you have a problem with torrent sharing after changing the name of our page, below there are detailed videos with the...
Google Translation: Magico wishes you Happy New Year with health, happiness and many downloads .... We inform you that all the problems on our...
Downtime due to database errors.
We inform you that you can find us at our new magico address without having a problem blocking our site from your providers. We are waiting for...
Google Translation: Happy Holidays The Magico Management Company wishes you Happy Holidays with health and happiness ... 50gb added to all...