Magico - Trelas new site address:
Happy New Year The company of Magico wishes you a Happy New Year, with health and happiness.
Site has moved to a new domain:
Site is experiencing connectivity issues due to invalid SSL certificate.
Google Translation: The (domain) change is complete and we are now operating normally in
Site has moved to a new domain:
Google Translation: OUR SITE IS IN FREELEECH MODE (Every Friday, Saturday & Sunday until 6/9/2020)
Google Translation: OUR SITE IS IN FREELEECH MODE (Until 8/6/2020)
Google Translation: OUR SITE IS IN FREELEECH MODE (Until 20/4/2020)
Google Translation: Upgrading work has not yet begun due to server delivery delays. The most likely date is Monday 30/3/2020 and it will take...
Site is experiencing connectivity issues.
Google Translation: UPGRADING WORKS (28/3/2020) Please be advised that due to the delay of the required materials, the upgrade will be postponed...
Google Translation: Please be informed that today 27/3/2020 and for approximately 12 hours, our site will be closed for upgrade work.
Google Translation: REGISTRATION OF NEW MEMBERS Please be informed that the REGISTRATION, for those new friends who want to join us, will be...
Google Translation: REGISTRATION OF NEW MEMBERS Please be informed that the REGISTRATIONS, for any new friends who wish to join us, will be OPEN...
Google Translation: FACEBOOK Follow us on Facebook to quickly and surely find out all about our site... You can follow us by clicking HERE
MERRY CHRISTMAS Magico's friends wish you a Merry Christmas and give you a 100gb gift to download as you wish and 1 invitation to invite any...
Google Translation: Please be advised that our site will be closed from Monday 25/11/2019 at 4am (24h) to complete the upgrade and troubleshoot...
Site is down. The server is not responding.
Google Translation: Streaming (online viewing) In the last 2 days you will have noticed that the streaming option has been removed from our site...
Google Translation: FREELEECH Until Sunday September 15, 2019 our site will be in FREELEECH mode. Also for each donation until 15/9/2019 you...
Google Translation: FREELEECH From Friday 26 July 2019 and every Friday, Saturday and Sunday until September 15, 2019 our site will be in the...
Google Translation: REGISTRATIONS Please note that registrations are closed and new members will only be accepted through invitations. If you...
At Magico Team we are a company that makes our hobby. If you are interested in joining our Translation Team, please contact us at ****
Google Translation: Magico.*** Please be advised that as of January 20, 2019, you will only be able to enter our page from magico.***...
Google Translation: If you have a problem with torrent sharing after changing the name of our page, below there are detailed videos with the...
Google Translation: Magico wishes you Happy New Year with health, happiness and many downloads .... We inform you that all the problems on our...
Downtime due to database errors.
Google Translation: Happy Holidays The Magico Management Company wishes you Happy Holidays with health and happiness ... 50gb added to all...
Google Translation: File Sharing Please be advised that the name of our site has been changed to magico.*** If a torrent does not download,...