A few bad apples just fucked us all. 2 years we had no amazon issues. I'm sorry I made an amateur move trusting strangers. I wont do that again. I...
Sitewide Doubleseed for 2 weeks, 6 days ================================ We are too big for our server again. We majorly low resource crashed....
[SPOILER] Help us finish this donation drive. When this drive is over I'll run FREELEECH TILL JAN 1st 2020 Easily eat up your 1TB ISP limit in...
Our new server has old disks (what a surprise) and we are dealing with data corruption. We will be off and online next 48 hours.
8,000+ seeds on old tracker port. Change your seedboxes to ssl.
Sitewide Freeleech for 1 day 8 hours
We are $130 Short of our donation Goal before I leave 60~days. Please help if you can. We depend on it.
Almost done with New Area. Donors + Content Uploaders Only (we know who u r). Eventually you can spend bonus points to access if you're a Power...
"Had to roll back the DB by 5 hours. :)"