Donations are now open! Donations are now open. If you can afford to make a donation in order to assist with our associated hosting fees it would...
I'm the captain now by M**** Ooooops. Remember to always use VPN, change your password and use a throwaway mail.
IMPORTANT INFO ABOUT CLIENTS TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1 protocol has been blocked on the site now, so if anyone reports about problems with their...
x2 Upload Credit Offer This month's x2 Upload Credit Offer is now active. This means ANY donation you make, you will receive double the amount of...
Server is down right now . Not accessible sadly .
Google Translation: Weekend donation promotion, now with double crown time
Google Translation: The website now supports two-step verification, see here for details
Donation game The prize is right now: 2.17 GigaByte Upload (New - The winners are drawn every Sunday at 4:00 am) Click here to play
Invites can now be sent.
NEW MODERATOR We would just like to say Hi to our New Forum Moderator u**** After break from FLS they have now stepped up.
Hello, it's that time of year again - WrestleMania! Please donate to the site now, and you will receive double the VIP time / extension on your...