After a period of trying, accessing the website at any time is very fast, faster than using agents or various ladders. I share with you and hope...
To celebrate the New Year's Day, we will enable the invite system for 1 day on Jan 1(GMT+8). Please do not invite people from public sites, we...
To celebrate the Chinese National Day, we will enable the invite system for 2 days on October 9-10(GMT+8). Please do not invite people from public...
We have used the backup data to recovery site because the original server fails, if there is a problem of seed loss, please republish it again....
Site is not responding . You may face error
Google Translation: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year ("Double Eggs" Event Announcement) See details here ------------ The cold and the heat,...
Google Translation: Open.CD has opened the official spring kiln Application requirements: 1) Have reached the level of "Crazy User" or above at...
Google Translation: A note on dolphin users reuploading Open.CDs prohibited resources Now we will explain the incident of DicMusic users...
Google Translation: A note on dolphin users reuploading Queens prohibited resources See details here
sziasztok opencd meghivot keresek ha valakinek lenne irjon PM köszönöm
Merge SeflRip(OpenCD) and Music Please read all the details and the guide on this thread
Login disabled The site login will be disabled from 2020-04-24 (GMT + :tef110:. Please don't logout or keep cookies. If you have any questions,...
Maintenance notice Maintenance is expected to begin on the afternoon of the 22nd, and site will be back online as soon as possible after the...
Freeleech 2019-11-01~2019-11-10 (GMT+8), site wide freeleech. 2019-11-01~2019-11-03 (GMT+8), you will be able to use the invite system Notice:...
23日起至月末,全站Free,Happy继续! Freeleech to 2018-02-28 23:59:58(GMT+8) GOOGLE TRANSLATION: 23 until the end of the month, the whole Free, Happy...
(1)本站允许使用的客户端列表加入qBittorrent,谢谢提出申请的会员。 (2)David Bowie的种子Free三天,逝者已逝,唯音乐留存。资源链接:David Bowie's torrents OpenCD管理组 2016.01.11...
Celebrate Singles Day To celebrate the holy Singles Day, we will enable the invite system for 72 hours on November 10-12(GMT+8). Please do not...
Important announcement Quote: (1)you should not talk about this site at public places.(eg, twitter,reddit,public forums and so on) , or you will...
To celebrate the Chinese National Festival, torrents seeded by 5 or less users will be free for a week. OpenCD Staff
To celebrate our adminstrator hzwtxdy's birthday, OpenCD will be sitewide free for 24 hours. System message received at 20:05 Sept. 2 (GMT+8)
九月系列活动:百万魔力,数以百计的邀请码等你拿! 跟H&R说再见! 还等什么? 现在,让我们开始报名吧! Come on, bros! Millons of bonus points and hundreds of invites are waiting for you!...
The time has come OpenCD are very pleased to announce a site global contest We hope everyone will take part in this adventure and have some fun... is growing and our userbase is becomming larger and larger. We need more staff to manage the site. We are planning to give the users a...
祝大家端午节快乐! 一句平淡如水的问候,很轻;一声平常如纸的祝福,很真。 万水千山粽是情,每逢佳节倍思亲。 6月12号是我国传统节日端午节。 在这里皇后祝大家端午节快乐!身体健康,合家欢乐。 Happy Dragon boat festival! [IMG]
Sitewide free will start at May 29th 0:00 (GMT+8). I will last three days. In addition, torrent size less than 100MB will not count bonus...
During our invite system open period. Please read rules and faq. Also, use the forum. If you have problems, open a thread or PM staff. While you...
The temporary invites have been sent to our members and the invite system is opening now ! OpenCD Staff
In the early days, we added a reminder for H&R: you will constantly receive the PM from system if the seed time of the torrent you downloaded...
In the lunar January, many people are busy with work, study or something else. At the same time, we staff are busy with site improvement. And in...