(HTTP & HTTPS) Tracker is unstable for the past 2-3 days. Announces don't function periodically.
IRC Server is offline for the past 5 hours.
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 4 hours.
PTP keeps on having issues for some time now.
(HTTP & HTTPS) Tracker is unstable for the past 2 hours (three of six tracker gateways not responding).
Website & Torrent Announcer are offline for the past 1 hour.
The tracker is experiencing technical difficulties. Please leave your clients seeding.
(HTTP & HTTPS) Tracker is offline for the past 3 hours.
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 36 hours.
Occasional connectivity issues continue to occur for the past 1 day. Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 3 hours.
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 1 hour. IRC Service Hummingbird is offline.
The website seems unstable but when you clean your cookies on your favourite browser, the login page is opened, but for now nothing more. You can...
IRC Server is down (for the past 1h 30m).
Downtime due to server errors.
"We're aware of the current downtime. No ETA but it shouldn't be too bad."