Please remember politics stay off site :) With the impending US election, we would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of Rule 1.1,...
Google Translation: Important notice moves to a new site with a new domain and now will be Well, come on guys who...
Site is BACK UP, yes we are fast :) Enjoy and remember the new reward system that we are going to announce in forum. So check later too see what...
Since there are still a lot of folks stuck at home with nothing to do, we have opened up the signup for twilight for a while. Remember to tell...
Global Freeleech mode activated - Remember to seed! (for the next 5 days)
New donor method We added the option to make donations, via Patron. Paypal and creditcards are accepted. REMEMBER TO CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION, IF...
Dear All users, It was a very good experience with you all from these years, now its good time to say bye forever from this Bolly P2p world..i...
Google Translation: VIP gift, last call! Today, 22/10/2019, at 15:00 the VIP gift expires, so for those of you who haven't activated it yet:...
Google Translation: FreeLeech ON From Us to You - STAFF All Torrents Free and Double Upload Remember to seed by the rules Until 19 Oct 2019 set...
Google Translation: End of Freeleech! Freeleech is over, we hope you have improved your ratio ... Remember that you must share a minimum period...
Google Translation: The HIt & run script was disabled because it seems that many of you do not swallow it! Remember that all the content on...
Google Translation: August is over ... August is over ..... Please remember that OnlyUpload and Multi are switched off again !!! The Reg is...
Google Translation: FreeLeech ON Because of the page teasing with F2L we give F2l double upload the rest of the time on V1 All Torrents Free and...
Google Translation: FreeLeech ON Due to the site teasing with F2L we give 5 days F2l All Torrents Free Remember to seed by the rules. - 1:1 or 48...
Remember our rules! You should let the staff know about any ip/country changes! Rule: You may use a VPN to browse the site but it needs to be...
FreeLeech ON NordicBits online again All Torrents Free and Double Upload Remember to seed by the rules.- 1:1 or 48 hours Until 4 Jun 2019 set by...
Connectability is determined by the trackers taking a RANDOM single torrent that you are registered as seeding to site. YOU can be connectable on...
FreeLeech ON Time for PREMIERE! All Torrents Free and Double Upload Remember to seed 1:1 or 48 hours Until 28 Jan 2019 (1d 17:28:48 to go) set by A*