Global Freeleech Mode Activated Open Registration Activated 73 Day 04 Hour 48 Minute and 38 Second
La data de 01.05.2022 se vor inchide înregistrarile gratuite. On 01.05.2022 free registrations will close.
My internal upload speed: https://www.speedtest.net My external upload speed: https://www.speedtest.net What type of torrents can I offer: You...
Global Freeleech Mode Activated 04 Day 16 Hour 57 Minute and 59 Second
Incepand cu data de 01.01.2022, se va activa script-ul de BAN pentru H&R. Stati la seed minim 72 ore cumulate, ratia de 1:1. Un An Nou mai bun si...
[IMG] Szeretnénk megköszönni a DataScene-nel kapcsolatos napi segítségét, valamint emlékeztetni szeretnénk a Subtitrări-Noi feliratozó oldallal...
[IMG] As we are used to, we are organizing a contest with the theme: The most beautiful Christmas tree. The first 3 places will be awarded with:...
Global Double Upload Mode Activated [IMG]
Problema download torente! Pentru userii care intampina probleme la download (ex:fisier invalid, passkey invalid..etc),rezolvarea o gasiti AICI...
Global Freeleech Mode Activated Open Registration Activated 63 Day 15 Hour 35 Minute and 37 Second
Salutare,userii care au avut cont pe vechea sursa https://datascene.net si au intrat aici cu acelasi nick sau diferit,sunt rugati sa dea un PM...
Salutare tuturor! Dupa cum observati am revenit cu hainute noi! Va multumim pentru ca sunteti alaturi de comunitatea DsT si va rugam sa aveti...
RoyalTorrent a fuzionat cu Datascene.net . Redirectionarea se va face automat in cateva secunde . Va multumim ca ati fost alaturi de noi si va...
Dear royaltorrent tracer users starting this evening torrents that will not be kept in seed according to the upload rules, you will be sanctioned...
The RoyalTorrent team is looking for capable staffers who know all the secrets in the world of trackers. Those interested are asked to apply using...
Whether the orange flavor, the carolina, the warm cozonac and the winter smell will fill your hearts of joy and the souls of peace. THE...
Luna octombrie free leech total!! [IMG] Uploaders and Staff Wanted! Use the button above in the news panel! [IMG]