Hello dear users. The staff together with uploader casper81 will carry out a hobby called ghost hunting , it consists of identifying the torrent,...
We hereby ask all users to contribute and not be forced to close due to lack of financial resources. To make the donation you must send a private...
Hello dear users. We hereby ask all users to contribute and not be forced to close due to lack of financial resources. To make the donation you...
2022-02-02 - Hello dear users. We hereby ask all users to contribute and not be forced to close due to lack of financial resources. To make the...
Good dear users. We hereby ask all users to contribute and not be forced to close due to lack of financial resources. To make the donation you...
[IMG] A karácsony az újjászületés ideje; ideje újra fellobbantani az élet tüzét, megújítani az álmokat és a célokat a már meghirdetett új évre....
Google Translated: Good dear users. The administration of Scene-Rush Scene-Rush, BitTorrent Tracker National hereby inform you will be given a...
The administration of Scene-Rush , BitTorrent Tracker Nacional, hereby informs that the invitations are open, where they can already invite...
Account settlement All Users who have enough points to settle their account are informed to do so! They must exchange 1000 points to remove every...
Boas caros Utilizadores, a Admintração do Scene-Rush, informa que a partir deste momento os pontos passam a ser contabilizados da seguinte forma:...
Good dear Users, Scene-Rush Administration, informs that from this moment on the points are counted as follows: 0.25 POINTS PER HOUR FOR EACH...
Good friends, Starting today the count of points changed, starting to count the same 0.25 per hour even if you don't have any speed, as previously...
Good, to new users as well as the others, if you know how to insert and want to become uploaders, just get in touch with me.
The administration of Scene-Rush , BitTorrent Tracker Nacional, hereby informs that the Records are open for 15 days, that is, it starts today and...
Good evening, Remember that the deadline for regularization of the accounts is over, as previously warned, there are users who have enough points...