Website is currently experiencing various issues, such as torrent search issues, login issues etc.
Sphinx (Search Engine) is currently experiencing issues, and a fix is under way
Search system (Sphinx) is under maintenance, so may at times not be available. We're sorry for the delays in search.
You can use the search button on top right corner to access KHOJ THE SEARCH!
Google Translation: We have redone the search system, now the site has a more "flexible" search accepting uppercase and lowercase letters and...
The addition of Archive We're proud to announce the addition of a new section: Archive! In order to see which torrents are archived, simply...
Google Translation: Update: STAFF SEARCH STAFF SEEKING TRANSLATORS Everything is now translated into the Nordic languages. We thank those of...
Google Translation: STAFF SEARCH STAFF SEEKING TRANSLATORS - NORWEGIAN, SWEDISH AND FINISH Translation is from English text Of course, Google...
Google Translation: Search offer Hello everyone, if you like that Function search. Offer to use Then please remember that Also the format of...
Search system problem For the last couple of hours, the torrent search system on the site has been offline. That means searches and the browse...
How to search Hello, well loads of people don't know how to search, if you type like searchstring it will not work, you have to use wildcards,...
Search backend is being worked on again. Intermittent issues are to be expected. Sorry for the mess.