Ho Ho Ho! Hello you lovely people! It is that time of year again, and what a year it has been. We know that it will be a very different...
Dear users, now you can stream movies, tv shows and xxx torrents without downloading them. For more information, please visit our forum!
Donors gets free Video on demand access for lastest movies and tv shows! vod.php
Hello everyone This is to let everybody in the XS community know about a change we are implementing starting now. As of October 3rd all HD shows...
Throwaway TV Shows Update Members can still request 'junk TV shows'. Quote: Request it each week and in the format you want. If you don't want...
Hello All Just a quick reminder if anyone needs a request, then please make it here = http://redemption.pw/index.php?page=viewrequests, also if...
Hi MTV Family, our upload servers are currently in limbo, feel free to upload any of your favorite shows or movies that are missed by the bots!