Google Translation: Hello, Lately it's not good to be a tracker and that is confirmed with SpaceTorrent. SpaceTorrent is no more and will not be....
Site is down. The server is not responding.
Google Translation: Hello houston We welcome new members who may or may not be refugees from a recently disappeared tracker. As such, we invite...
Site is down. "SSL handshake failed"
Google Translation: 3/12th light year away Good morning all, As you have seen for a few days, the tracker is functional again! We wanted to...
Freeleech is activated
Site is back online after a prolonged downtime.
Google Translation: Constellation Quiz Hello dear Trackionautes, We promised you in the previous news, the first quiz of this confinement...
Google Translation: Finely-con and advancement Hello dear Trackionautes, For several weeks most of you have been having problems with the...
Google Translation: We need you The ship is getting a makeover and we need you: More details on this thread here The Staff
Google Translation: Errare Humanum Est (To make mistakes is Human) [IMG] Contrary to the original reply, we are not going to send you to be...
Downtime due to server issues.
Google Translation: Cryogenic awakening Come on, we upload
Site is back online after weeks of downtime.
Server is down