Google Translation: New additions (changes) to the site: - The api for films and serials has returned to work. - Finally, after a long time, I...
We have another tracker mounted on the server and we are making new configurations that is why we have the tracker somewhat abandoned, it is not...
Thank you for your nice feedback about our site. We've just opened and we know we have some small bugs. You can be sure that we will make it...
I have taken the decision to step down as SysOp here on Anthelion. Our start was rocky but we got past that and we're here now and stable. I have...
Reddit Post - IRC Update Official Update: K* made his offer and SysOp did not reply. I believe SysOp has closed down ADC. Do not be too harsh...
The security of our users will always be our top priority. We are always working to improve this and the fact that a badly intentioned person can...
Well, thanks to our sysop, we have been able to get back online, and the tracker working. Enjoy the site, everyone! [IMG]