Frontclip has triggered the Freeleech Pool! The following film has been randomly selected and is now freeleech for the next 48 hours. Paperhouse...
Freeleech Pool Tipped! ***** has triggered the Freeleech Pool! The following film(s) have been randomly selected and are now freeleech for the...
Advent Calendar Freeleech! ******* is the **th user to find today's Advent gift. To celebrate, the following films have been randomly selected...
Advent Calendar Have you noticed the new addition to the home page? Check back each day for a clue that will take you to some random location on...
We have finally gotten around to implementing an IRC bot that requires you to use your IRC key to access the channels. If you want to access any...
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Burt Reynolds. Apparently Burt passed away after suffering a heart attack in Jupiter,...
I'd like to notify you guys that donate.php is now fully updated. We can only accept Crypto Currency for good reason. While this is not a request...
I would love more movies of my favourite muscle actor of all time. Therefore I've decided to reward all future uploads that stars Arnold...
Upload Arnold Schwarzenegger movies, earn rewards! I would love more movies of my favourite muscle actor of all time. Therefore I've decided to...
The BAFTA Award for Best Film List Alright friends, We have created a list and a collage that lists every BAFTA Awards for Best Film. Lets do...
Well, the list is complete !!! A thank you goes out to each of the contributors that helped out with the list. There are torrents that are...
New Moderator It is with great pleasure that I get to announce that F******** has been promoted to moderator. F******** is a power house of an...
This is going much faster than I had hoped - As of 2018, there have been 546 films nominated for Best Picture and 90 winners. We have 30 remaining...
Alright friends, Lets have some fun and get stuff done. I have created a list and a collage that lists every Oscar best picture winner since...
Competition It's hotter than a six titted alien going down on a magmalord from the eighth level this summer. So I'd like to introduce you all to...
Site Updates & Features July 09th 2018 Film Lookup on Request page for easier Autofill July 04th 2018 Film Lookup added to Upload page for...
Okay so past 24 hours has been kind of weird with site up and down. No excuses cards on table we lost something like 4 or 5 torrents and 1 or 2...
Hi members of the fleet and movie lovers! I am pleased to announce I am joining the staff of both Nebulance and TehConnection. You can call me...
We are back online. We are here to stay. No more drama. Things are going to change, for the better. The staff are going to focus on safely...
We are at DEFCON three Back soon just to annoy r/trackers...
Recently it came to our attention that we had a problem with the FL tokens. As a result of said problem we revoked all FL tokens as a...
We have discovered a bug with the Freeleech Tokens and as a result all tokens have been revoked. This is nothing to worry about and once we have...
Adding Person Info One of the fundamental things of having a site dedicated to movies is that it also provides information about the...
Since day one we have been quite busy making a few changes to the codebase and development is strong and ongoing. We want to make TehC a site...
Welcome to TehConnection on Gazelle As you can see we're now using Gazelle. We believe that Gazelle is better suited for our needs and does a...
Torrent Grouping Torrent Grouping was implemented today. It's a bit different from Gazelle but it is grouping nonetheless. Personally I believe...
"JCT will not be a Gazelle clone - We have (and still are) creating something entirely unique, which includes the back-end as well as the UI for...
As I have already stated there will be not be any bot uploads feeding this site. It will be up to you the users to upload and populate the library...