Downtime due to server issues.
Google Translation: Announcement This tracker connects very well with the torrent client Utorrent.2.2,1
Google Translation: The download problems were solved
Google Translation: Maintenance we come back immediately
[IMG] Concurs: Cel mai frumos "Brad" - Posteaza aici un screen cu bradul de craciun si mesajul TorrentFile.Ro si te vom premia .. [IMG]
Hi, sorry we disappeared so silently from your life but we came back to be with you, with fresh forces with many surprises for you Thank...
ATENTIE! Dragi Utilizatori ai comunitãtii Conturile fara activitate se vor sterge. de sambata 14 Martie oele 24,00 Se inchid...
Suntem in gradul sa va anuntam ca, de sambata 14 martie la orele 24,00, ora Romaniei, se inchid inregistrarile free. Anuntati-va prieteni, mai...