Nyisd ki kezed az ég felé, szíved pedig Mevla felé, ma kerüld el a bűnöket, amennyire csak lehet, és ma vesd el érte a legtitkosabb gyöngyeidet....
Google Translation: Discord Channel Dear users, this site is yours as well as ours. We see you as our family. As a concrete expression of this,...
[IMG] TOrrent-tuRK családként idén újévi sorsolást tartunk tagjaink számára, különféle díjakkal. RÉSZLET Minden tagunk részt vehet a sorsoláson....
Google Translation: Server work is done, will be active as soon as possible
We are performing updates. Please check back soon.
Downtime due to server issues.
Google Translation: Updating is in progress, will open soon after
Database Error! Please try again later or contact an Administrator.
The website is experiencing downtime due to database issues.
Google Translation: From Staff: There is an attack on the site, security measures are taken for this.
Google Translation: Update is in progress, site will open soon
Google Translation: Campaign Hello members You can get vip membership to enjoy many privileges and gifts. There is a year-end campaign for VIP...
Google Translation: Domain Change Post-Tracker update !!! Hi friends, we have switched to the new domain because our site is banned. Please...
Site has moved to a new domain: Code: https://torrent-turk.de
Google Translation: Hello, You will need to update the tracker of the seed presentations as described in the forum below. here You need to type...
Site has a new URL: Code: https://torrent-turk.com
Google Translation: Are you ready to win an award for promoting our site? Hello user By opening a topic in other sites (Forum, Blogs, Facebook,...
Google Translation: Hello user As you know, our site has changed the domain and therefore torrents show red on your torrent client, there is a...
Site has a new domain: Code: https://torrent-turk.co
Site is back up after a prolonged downtime.
Google Translation: We're Coming Soon! We're valuable followers. We've been waiting for you for a very long time, but not because of a situation...
Google Translation: We're Coming Soon! SQL Update is in progress. 01 DAYS 05 HOURS 10 MINUTES
Google Translation: "We thank you very much for your interest, but we are constantly getting errors while loading your backups, so we try to do...
*Google Translation:* Since we do not have an up-to-date backup, we are waiting for the updated backup to be sent from the company we bought the...
Google Translation: The site has been temporarily disabled due to server maintenance
Google Translation: Site will be back as soon as the maintenance work has been done with your system's Server by the hosting provider, it will...