Google Translator: Quote: The validity period of the website cookies has been lengthened and adjusted, please log out and log in to take effect!...
Google Translation: Any videos related to the 2021 CCTV Spring Festival Gala are banned! Freeleech ends at 22:00 on February 17th! The website...
We do have a way to login while main page is hidden but its for staff use only. If you got logged out and didnt save your cookies, just wait for...
Happy New Year and Enjoy the Freeleech Freeleech will end at 23:59 of 2021-01-03. Please plan your downloads accordingly.
Google Translation: Open invitation to purchase for a limited time, with joint responsibility More details here
Google Translation: Happy Birthday: You can exchange your bonus points on various features. Check them out here
Google Translation: TTG Blu-ray Completion Plan (+200) Ten years of peering, ten years of gratitude, in order to present a better community in...
Google Translation: "Grateful to have you, together for ten years" - TTG BD&UHD Completion Plan Here
Google Translation: Thank you for being with us for ten years! Happy 10th Anniversary!
Google Translation: Witness this tenth anniversary Looking forward to the next tenth anniversary
Google translated Quote: Tips: The site is temporarily unavailable Reason one: According to the relevant laws and regulations of the Ministry of...
Google Translation: Warning:Log-in to the website is closed. Do not log-out, clear cookies or change browers if you wish to continue visiting.
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Tracker is Offline.[Server is down for maintenance .]
重要公告 Important Notice 为应对日益严重的passkey泄露事件,遏制账号的巨额流量损失避免账号因流量不足等原因被系统禁止,近 日本站已启用新型检测技术确保账号安全。 如您本地客户端红肿并且收到服务器提示:Passkey leak, please reset...
Several messages 1, in order to ensure the security of the account, the site has now enabled dual verification, recommended! Please refer to the...
今年不发2017央视春晚相关视频 根据相关政策 本站今年禁止发布任何2017央视春晚节目 如会员发布本站将会做出删除处理 TTG管理组祝大家新春愉快 This year does not send 2017 CCTV Spring Festival evening related...
'' About HTTP access exception notification We have received more than one visit to the abnormal feedback, the visit suggested that "the link was...