Just a gentle reminder of some changes made here at TWs The bots now WILL only seed to 1:1 and once that happens the GiG speeds off the server...
Currently the auto uploader bots are no longer providing content, anyone wishing to upload and share here on Twilight, contact staff to get...
It is with regret that i must inform the user base that from November 9th 2021 I will no longer be able to provide the seedbox to site. My health...
We have the following running: Movies Tv Tvx265 Games PC Ebooks Software Packs (TV and Movie) Adult (Scenepalace Only) With the exception of...
Még két nap! [IMG] Születésnapunkon kattintson a fenti ajándékra, hogy megkapja a születésnapi ajándékát!
Tracker Neve: Twilight Torrents Műfaja: Vegyes Regisztrációs Link: http://www.twilightsdreams.com/signup.php Zárás dátuma: Pár nap Egyéb...
Opened the doors All Torrents Free Because I love you set by B** Until 11 Feb 2020
server bill due changeServer bill date changed from the 15th to the 1st
Twilight needs staff help. If you would like to help please Click here and leave a***** a message
364 day(s) to go. Today : Wednesday 25th of December 2019 10:22:55 AM Christmas : Wednesday 25th of December 2019 05:00:00 AM [IMG][IMG] Click the...
A regisztrációt december 16- tól január 1-jéig nyitjuk meg az ünnepekre
m*** who is in charge of all Twilights boxes says to please be patient all the torrents will be back up soon and the bots will be working very soon.
Opened up site up for a few days in case a user was deleted during the server being re installed.
Donations As some of you know Twilight was down over 2 weeks which hurt our donations. Any help will be appreciated. The Staff
Twilightsdreams Twilightsdreams is up and running
Twightsdreams Twilightsdreams is up and running
Update We are sorry for the downtime. There was a bad hard drive and many network issues. Torrents are slowly coming back. Hopefully we did not...
Connectability is determined by the trackers taking a RANDOM single torrent that you are registered as seeding to site. YOU can be connectable on...
The Twilight staff has just closed Twilights and we are now invite only!.Keep an eye out as we open the signups randomly.When we do let your...
Code: https://twilightsdreams.com/ will be open sign-up till December 9th!
"Open sign up for 2 weeks, please follow sign up rules."
[IMG] Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays All Torrents Free [IMG] We need donations but it is the time of giving. Please help with the site costs...
Well folks Twilight will be 9 years old in two days April 4th. Now you will notice there is a birthday present for each and every member. You can...
Twilights birthday is coming up April 4th. We are giving each and every user a birthday present on April 4th. Also we have really trimmed a lot of...
Well in a while we will be 9 years old. As you can see you will all get a pressy for our Birthday. Also we will be open signup for a while. Let...
Membership drive. I have decided to open the signups for one week.The reason for this is hopefully increase our donations as The last 3 months has...
Welcome to the new server. It may be a bit shakey a while until we get settled down. Also we will be open signup for a week to let some folks in...
We are back up and running.If you have torrents they should be turning green shortly. As the sites been moved there may be minor delays at times...
Well it is the holiday season for Twilights. We are giving giving and more giving. We now have the Advent calendar giving you presents daily...