Security check for Unit3d needs help At the moment, the dev of unit3d (our tracker code base) are going to start security tests. This means...
Site has migrated to UNIT3D platform. It's not clear what has (or will) happen(ed) with the current userbase.
The site has resurfaced and has adopted the UNIT3D platform (for the second time). -------------------------- Target 10k Registrations are...
Site is up again and now has moved to UNIT3D platform.
Your Help Is Needed... Greetings Blutopians, While what I am about to ask you is not directly tied to Blutopia it does help myself, this site,...
UNIT3D Needs Your Help Greetings, UNIT3D is looking for help. This open source project is very time consuming and the founder needs help....
Greetings,UNIT3D is looking for help. This open source project is very time consuming and the founder needs help. UNIT3D is a the great codebase...
UNIT3D "Nex-Gen Torrent Tracker" Greetings, UNIT3D is looking for help. This open source project is very time consuming and the founder needs...
UNIT3D "Nex-Gen Torrent Tracker" Greetings, I am looking for help with UNIT3D. This open source project is very time consuming. There are a few...
Dear BeyondHD Members, We at BeyondHD, are proud to present the new trackerpowered by UNIT3D. With this new beginning, there were a few...
Permission Denied! You do not have permission to perform this action! Gondolom elkezdődött a váltás UNIT3D stílusra. :)
Migration to UNIT3D is fast approaching. Please read the following notes: The password "bridge" or reserve password function has been removed in...
As migration to UNIT3D draws closer, we are now taking steps to ensure a smooth transition to the new platform. As mentioned earlier, invites...
Many may have noticed not as much activity from internals and staff. Also, most have noticed that there have been a few site enhancements to...
UNIT3D is an AGPL-3.0 licensed open-source project and is completely free to use. However, the amount of effort and time needed to maintain and...