Külföldi torrent oldalak AsianDVDClub | ADC News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2018. március 28..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
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    Welcome back

    Hello folks. As most of you are no doubt aware, ADC was down for the last few days. This downtime was due to a minor hardware failure on our server - the network adapter died which prevented the server from communicating with the rest of the world. The server was technically online during the downtime, it was simply unable to communicate with you or anyone else. Long story short, the host replaced the faulty hardware eventually and after verifying that there were no problems ADC was brought back online. Both the site and tracker are functioning properly, but let us know if you encounter any issues.

    As a result of this downtime we will be looking at switching to a different host, as this issue really should have been taken care of in less than a day. Our current host appears to have significantly cut back their support team recently and delayed responses from them extended the downtime greatly. If we stay with our current host there's no telling how long it might take them to fix any issues that crop up in the future. Bear in mind that changing hosts, if we do so, won't happen overnight and we will post about it long in advance so downtime related to the move won't come as a surprise.