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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. január 16..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    2014 AsiaTorrents Banner Contest

    - We have changed the required image dimension to 1000x200px for retina display support. Please edit and resubmit the banners. Very sorry for the inconvenience caused!
    - Leechers with no upload access can upload images to imgur.com

    2014 AsiaTorrents Banner Contest

    Deadline: 31 JANUARY 2014 (11:59 PM GMT).

    Objective: Create an Asian-themed banner for the AsiaTorrents site.
    The winning entry will replace the current banner on the AsiaTorrents website for the duration of 2014

    * Banner must be in .PNG format (NO .JPG, flash (.swf) or .GIFs)
    * Include the words 'Asia Torrents'.
    NOTE: The 'tag line' is your creation. You may use the current tag "The definitive source for all Asian torrents!" or "The ultimate Asian mediatheque" or create your own.
    * Use the logo (and, optionally, font) contained in this file: HERE
    Note: Our logo must be used, but you may use your own fonts.
    * If you only need logo: Logo Only
    * Banner size: 1000 pixels x 200 pixels as shown below.

    Banner Size:: Width: 1000px, Height: 200px It should be EXACTLY this size: (Click for full size)

    * Participants are allowed to submit ONE (1) single entry. Anyone submitting more than one will be disqualified, and anyone creating multiple accounts to get around this condition will be banned
    * Upload your banner to the AsiaTorrents image host HERE (IMPORTANT NOTE: Banners that are posted on public image stores such as Imageshack, Photobucket, etc. etc. rather than the AsiaTorrents image host will be disqualified)
    * Users must be members of AsiaTorrents
    * All submissions become the property of the AvistaZ family of sites.
    * The period for member voting will start from 1 Feb 2014 to 10 Feb 2014. Members will get to choose their favorites from top 10 banners chosen by AsiaTorrents staff.
    * The deadline for submission of entries will 31 January 2014 at 11:59 PM GMT.
    * IMPORTANT NOTE: Winner must submit all design files (including all PSD, fonts, vectors, etc) and they become the property of AvistaZ.
    *** Make sure to keep your original designs safe. You will need to submit them if you win.

    Post your submissions in this thread. (Please post the FULL IMAGE and not THUMBNAIL.) Posts that are not banner submissions will be deleted.

    * 2 Runners-up = 500 GB upload credits.
    * Top 10 winners = 100 GB upload credits.
    * All other participants = 10 GB upload credits. (Only participants with approved submission).
    * Grand Prize = 1000 GB upload credits and LifeTime VIP. The winning entry shall become the new AsiaTorrents Banner for 2014

    * Do NOT include flags in your banners. We HATE banners with flags.
    * We are a site for ALL of North and South-East Asia -- don't put just Japanese or Korean or Hindi on your banner.
    * 2014 is the year of Wood Horse!