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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. február 26..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Bonus Points : The More You Know

    Part Two of the baconBits "The More You Know" series: bP (Bonus Points).

    The Bermuda Triangle...
    Black Holes...
    bB Bonus Points

    Up until today, nobody understood how any of these worked. Well, I'm happy to announce we just got some clarity around one... snapshot of Baconnaise and Skee discussing the inner workings of the Bacon Bits Bonus Point System:

    Now that we all know, the Staff wanted to make sure you knew why they are here and what they can do for you.

    First, Bacon Bits Bonus Points, aka bBbP, are dolled out by the system by a secret forumla that rewards members that actively seed poorly seeded, non-freeleech, torrents. Notice that this make no mention of a member's upload speeds ... just that you are seeding things that are in need of seeding. This not only provides incentive to seed, but levels the playing field a bit for those that do not have access to über fast seedboxes or data connections.

    So, now that you know what they are... what can you do with them? Well, here are a few great ideas:
    • trade them in for something wonderful at The Exchange. While there are some fun/silly things in there for people to buy, there is also a way to convert bBbP to Upload to help remedy any ratio problems you may have. Hint: If you are on Ratio Watch, this is a great way to help get you headed in the right direction!
    • Sponsor a contest. As long as you follow the Contest Guidelines the Staff would love to see people come up with new and interesting contest for our community.
    • Reward your fellow members for a job well done. You see a new user stepping up to the challenge of their first upload - and reading the guidelines first? Give em a bBbP pat on the back. Want to a way to say thanks for an avatar someone made for you? Flip 'em a bBbP in their tip-jar. (Just remember, there is a 10% tax on these transfers - death and taxes, baby!)
    • Create a few requests and put on a decent bounty for someone to go and find/fill your request. These are triple-whammys in my view: new content for all, upload reward for the filler, and the filler will be acquiring new bP of their own by seeding!

    tl;dr: Bonus Points... use them.
