Külföldi torrent oldalak Bbc Worldwide Releases Exclusive Doctor Who Box Set As $12 Bittorrent Bundle

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    2012. április 05.
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    BBC Worldwide is exploring new forms of online distribution, having released an exclusive ten-episode Doctor Who box set as a bundle on file-sharing site BitTorrent.

    The commercial arm of the BBC has launched the bundle for $12 to mark the show’s tenth season, now the longest running sci-fi series in history spanning 50 countries and 12 generations, according to the broadcaster.

    The move marks BitTorrent’s first partnership with a major TV broadcaster, having already started making inroads into the e-book market following a tie-up with book publisher SelfMadeHero.

    BitTorrent’s file-sharing technology has become heavily associated with piracy, having been used in the past for the illegal distribution of music, films, TV shows. However, it has been making steps to position itself as a suitable and legitimate distribution platform for content providers.

    Radiohead's Thom Yorke is among those to have released $6 solo album Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes' as a BitTorrent bundle.

    The Doctor Who bundle includes video commentary from the 12th Doctor, Peter Capaldi and other special features.

    Fans can download or stream an intro video from Peter Capaldi and preview the first episode of the Doctor Who reboot, Rose (Series 1, Episode 1), for free. They can then go on to buy bundle for $12.

    Julia Kenyon, director of Drama Brands, BBC Worldwide, said BitTorrent has become an important platform to be on.

    "This innovative deal with BitTorrent allows us to directly reach a huge number of consumers and engage with fans on a global and fast-growing digital platform. Music content has seen tremendous success through BitTorrent Bundle, and this deal is the first of its kind for British TV content," she said.

    The bundle, called ‘BBC Worldwide: A Decade of the Doctor, comprises 10 episdoes from 2005 – 20014.

    See details below for break out of each episode.

    01 Rose (Series 1, Episode 1)
    02 The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances (Series 1, Episode 9)
    03 The Girl in the Fireplace (Series 2, Episode 4)
    04 Blink (Series 3, Episode 10)
    05 The End of Time (Special 2-Part Episode, 2009)
    06 The Vampires of Venice (Series 5, Episode 6)
    07 The Doctor's Wife (Series 6, Episode 4)
    08 The Rings of Akhaten (Series 7, Episode 7)
    09 The Day of the Doctor (50th Anniversary Special, 2013)
    10 Listen (Series 8, Episode 4)

    The bundle can be downloaded or streamed here.
