Külföldi torrent oldalak BeyondHD | BHD A Couple Of Changes

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. március 20..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    A Couple Of Changes

    A Couple Of Changes!!!!​

    Hey all.

    Well I guess you have already noticed but a couple of neat changes slipped into the site recently curtsey of The Revolution. Yes, he outdid himself this time by keeping it simple yet elegant instead of extreme and elegant [​IMG] I noticed from a couple of comments it is more then mildly appreciated. Anyway, to sum things up:

    1) Most important one. Torrent listing loading time is back to normal. Yes, where it use to look like the pages resembled an old couple having sex, all runs smooth again [​IMG]
    2) We enabled sticky torrents instead of covers again. Why? Well too lazy to make that block every time and checking a make sticky radio box is far more easy and way faster. Oh and the fact those graphics take a lot of time to load has something to do with it too.

    3) 2 new Styles are there for your amusement and ours too of course. Go to My Panel -> change profile -> Style selector and chose between BHD and BHD Led theme. You'll find that both themes enable a high contrast to easily read the site's goings on. Check them wooot!

    4) Encodes/caps category is gone. Wasn't popular anyways.

    5) Mix / Mux category added

    A couple of other things are worked on like integrating some media and some nifty crap with the torrent listing. All in good hands of our stylist and stylish coder.

    So to all of you... Enjoy and keep the nice!!!
