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A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' Pegazus_SCD hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. augusztus 09..

  1. Pegazus_SCD / NoPainNoGain

    2010. július 29.
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    System 2010-06-12 22:10:09

    I just wanted to take 2 minutes and speak to everyone on our great site regarding the issues we have been having over the past few months.

    As most of you already know in the past 3-6 months the site has started to slow down little by little causing havoc on the Tracker and at times even knocking the site offline. The support staff have been working hard to attempt to source the cause of the issue and we feel that we were getting close to doing so just before our main web cluster took a dump on us..

    We are currently running on sup par server's attempting to keep things going while we source and replace the gear that is damaged..

    There has been quite a few people on the site asking if they can donate gear to help us and i just wanted to say thank you so much for the offer but due to the nature of our setup we for the past 4 years have had to build custom server's to support the massive 115k members who call Bitsoup their home

    I have been speaking with out vendor's over the past week and have began to look at the prices involved to bring bitsoup back up to the speeds it had before.

    Without your help this wont be possible so I am asking each and every one of you if you love Bitsoup and want to see it grow and become stable for the long run we need your help. Support the site if for only reason to ensure we are here to stay for a long time..

    Few things.

    You will never be forced to donate to our great site. there are rumor's going around if you do not donate we will nuke your account... THIS IS 100% BS we have never done such a thing and never will.

    We intend on staying 100% banner free to give our members the best torrent site on the net and we are so proud to have come this far with many of you.

    Would love to thank our Awesome Staff member's who help us day in day out run this great sites..

    A special thank you to all of our member's and uploaders who have brought out great site from 1 torrent to well over 13k torrents and growing every day..

    Last but least the biggest hug and thank you to DRAGONHEART if it wasn't for her and the staff under her this Id have no job

    Again Thank you everyone both in the past and present and future who have helped make Bitsoup the only sire for everyone's massive torrent appetite

    We need your help more now then ever

    Support Bitsoup and become a VIP...[/align]

    Donate $25 and get:

    - 600gb upload credit
    - 1 month of VIP status, including the donor star.
    - No wait times.
    - The ability to upload torrents.
    - Access to Bitsoups VIP forum.
    - Access to Bitsoups Arcade.
    - Pick a Custom Title.