Külföldi torrent oldalak BroadcasThe.Net | BTN Holiday Sing-off

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. december 20..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Holiday Sing-Off

    Holiday Sing-Off
    Do you even sing?


    Who has the best voice on BTN? For this competition you will be singing to the tune of your favorite holiday song. Don't be shy, drink some water take a deep breathe and have fun.

    For those wondering where Remy is I'm not exactly allowed to say just know that he's very busy & it involves elves.​


    1) You must submit your beautiful recordings to http://vocaroo.com/
    2) If we can't hear the song in the recording please give a link to the song so we can play it while you sing.
    3) If you're unsure on whether a certain song is allowed please send me a PM or ask on IRC.
    4) All recordings must be submitted in this thread by yourself.
    5) The competition will end on December 31st and voting will take place shortly after.​


    1st Place) 250,000BP + Custom Title
    2nd Place) 150,000BP + 50 Lumens
    3rd Place) 100,000BP

    1) If you have access to change your custom title I will give you 50 lumens instead. Otherwise there's no exchanging between Custom Title & Lumens.
    2) In the event that enough people participate from both sexes then we will have prizes for both. What I mean by this is that there will be a first, second, and third place for both boys and girls o/ ​