Külföldi torrent oldalak BroadcasThe.Net | BTN Super Scary Pumpkin Carving Contest!

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. október 17..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Super Scary Pumpkin Carving Contest!

    Hey guys and gals it's time! Get out your sharpest knives and get ready to carve. We're holding a 'short' two week pumpkin carving contest. We're sorry we couldn't get this out sooner a certain somebody was having trouble. Anyways we can't wait to see what you guys make for us we're excited!

    Must show before and after pictures of your pumpkin with your name!
    Must post pictures in this thread to be admired by everyone!

    1st Place will receive a 30 day SeedMyBox seedbox and (2) of the following: 300,000 bonus points, a custom title, or 300 lumens.
    2nd Place will receive a 30 day SeedMyBox seedbox and (2) of the following: 150,000 bonus points, a custom title, or 150 lumens.
    3rd Place will receive a 30 day SeedMyBox seedbox and (1) of the following: 75,000 bonus points or 75 lumens.
    All three winners will be chosen anonymously by staff.

    Super scary pumpkin badges made by our designer PrettyFly will also be given to the winners! [​IMG]

    The contest ends on the 31st of this month. If you've already carved up a delicious pumpkin with your family, friends, or whomever we'll let it slide as this contest did come out a little late into the month. Just remember that your name must be in the photo NOT photoshopped in.

    We cannot be held liable for any accidents that may happen while carving your pumpkin!

    In other news the BTN minecraft server is up and running again, if you played before or this interests you please see this thread: Minecraft Thread

    //BTN Staff