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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' CF dealer hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. december 09..

  1. CF dealer / Tulajdonos Vezetőségi tag

    2011. június 15.
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    Re: BroadcasTheNet

    n late 2010, BTN Management decided that gazelle wasn't good enough for our needs at BTN. So we started and planned BTNv2. We got a basic understanding of how it will be coded and what we wanted, all was good.

    Then predakanga had to step down, and since it was his project he took it with him to turn into something else in his own time.

    Early 2011, AzzA was fed up with how badly BTN is coded under the hood, mostly because the early versions of gazelle were quite buggy and its hard to turn a music tracker into a TV tracker. Working under the hood of BTN has become a task instead of joy. So he got a couple of his coder buddies and started working on BTNv1.5 which would be a total rewrite of BTN, but quickly and better then previously using Gazelle RC2.

    After a few weeks and not getting anywhere due to time restrictions, Hex and AzzA wondered why were spending so much time recreating BTN with diff code but having the outcome the same. So we got to work on BTNv2 writing it from scratch again.

    We ran a news post looking for developers to help us with this task. We got an amazing 70 replies! so we picked out 20 and briefed them on the project, which by then was a framework which was usable to an extent. You could login and post on the forums. We had everything planned and everyone had their task, but as we all know, real life got the best of us. So we were left with a code base that hadn't been touched in weeks, and all our devs are MIA.

    Which brings us to last week, the main devs for BTNv2 were talking about the construction. We were creating parts that are already out there. So we started on BTNv2 Revision 4, We made some choices which will greatly move the source along and bring BTNv2 closer then it had been for the past year.

    Now, it's still not much, there’s nothing to see, but we are closer then before. This does not mean we are close to release, but we are closer then before.

    I know alot of you are wondering where it is, and think its just an empty promise. But please note it is still coming. We just need more man power!

    This is not a plea for more devs to help us out, we're just letting everyone know, that if you have some spare time and want to help BTN develop to better things, Don't hesitate to contact us via Staff PM!

    We want to create a new code base to be bigger and better then gazelle, as well as being easier to modify, as we have had a hard time doing so.
    So there, that's an update and hopefully we have more to share soon

    BTN Management.