Külföldi torrent oldalak CHDbits | CHD News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. június 05..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    CHDBits original disk group We recruit the original disc DIY DIY production and special effects production talent subtitles
    In order to be able to better enjoy the general membership of the original disk resources, the management decided that now recruiting for all HD enthusiasts original disc subtitles DIY production personnel and special effects production staff.

    CHDBits original disc DIY group has experienced production staff, softfeng, shhaclm, greyfeeling, ermangwy, moto ...... many members familiar; They also provide our members have had many excellent works, such as the Transformers series, Lord of the Rings series, Pirates of the Caribbean series, 007 series, Avengers, Titanic and more.

    If you are interested in joining CHDBits the original disc DIY team, please email: nerasiji@qq.com

    Recruitment requirements:
    One, 18 years of age, have full civil capacity (if still studying the meantime, please consider carefully!).
    Second, the original disk subtitling DIY production and special effects from the heart of love, a fixed and relatively ample spare time, responsible and able to obey task allocation, we reject heat for three minutes!
    Third, have 4M or more broadband network conditions.
    Fourth, the video source can provide access to ftp download, or on its own in the station access.

    First, we do not trade for profit, all the work are based on personal hobbies and interests, no any money in return!
    Second, the level of the original disc DIY production staff promoted uploader!
    Third, other relevant data benefits!

    Member candidates please submit the following email content without uploading text attachments

    A fixed time online:
    Second, the personal circumstances:
    1, age:
    2, network conditions:
    3, Contact (QQ):
    4, E-mail:
    5, PT Username:
    Third, the original disk DIY production staff please briefly describe their experiences and their own DIY DIY technologies.
    Fourth, the effects subtitling personnel, packing an own effects subtitle works with 10 or so shots, upload an attachment.

    If you meet our requirements, we will contact you shortly.