Külföldi torrent oldalak Cinematik | TIK Proposed New Cinematik Rule

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. március 04..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest


    Do not ignore our members' wishes, as expressed in a Comment to a post of their original rips, to restrict or delay a repost to any other site or sites

    What we mean by this:-

    1) This only applies to reposting of original material ripped from retail sources by the uploader themselves, not encodes.

    2) Sharing of posts without such a Comment is completely unrestricted.

    3) Uploaders' restrictions must be reasonable: "Cinematik only please" and "no repost to Thistracker.org please" are, but "only repost to any private tracker with less than 20,000 members & apply a similar onward restriction" is not, for example.

    4) Subsequent posts of the same/near-identical material ripped from a different source will be permitted after a delay of 6 months for "tik only" and "other member-funded non-profit private trackers only" requests and will replace the "restricted" post (unless any requested delay period has expired). Other types of requested restrictions such as "no reposting to sponsored or commercial trackers, public trackers, Webhosts or Usenet" cannot be replaced.

    5) The level of sanction - unofficial/official warning or outright ban - will depend on the circumstances in which the requested restriction was disregarded.

    6) No specific rule will be written for this, but any member we come across selling for profit DVD-Rs and/or BD-Rs demonstrably based on 'tik-sourced material will be banned immediately.

    Guidance to uploaders:
    Although we agree that it is good Netiquette for every potential reposter to ask every "original material" poster for permission to re-up his/her material elsewhere and abide by the answer they get, this is no longer realistic as such an exchange by PM etc commits the crime of "conspiracy to illegally share copyrighted material" which carries the same penalties as actually sharing the material but is much easier to prove. So if you don't want your material shared elsewhere, either in general or on certain specific sites, you need to say so. "In a Comment to your Announce" has been chosen as the Announce itself can be edited/changed subsequently. You should also use the Comment system to indicate whether you want reposters to give you named credit or not. We strongly favour unrestricted sharing but accept that there are occasions when you feel this is impossible. We would ask that you keep the restrictions and the time applying to them as short as you can: nothing more than a year, but a month or a week would be much preferred. Once you yourselves have posted elsewhere, of course, all restrictions cease to apply.

    Guidance to potential reposters:
    We will seek to support our uploaders when they wish to restrict or delay reposts to other sites/hosts but will do our best to be reasonable in our actions/application of penalties: "Balance of probability" will be the standard test but we'll try for "Beyond all reasonable doubt" whenever possible. As the restrictions will be partial or temporary, in no case exceeding a year, we hope you'll be patient accordingly.

    Discussion is here & Poll on the front page