Külföldi torrent oldalak ICETorrent | ICE Concursului Goana dupa filme!!! Felicitari castigatorilor!

A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' bincy hozta létre. Ekkor: 2018. január 18..

  1. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Lakhely :
    Salut alergatori dupa filme, mai ales alergatori dupa puncte [​IMG]

    Din pacate nu s-a gasit nimeni sa urce filmele recomandate de voi, cele care nu se gasesc pe site, premiul era maricel si am decis sa il impart in mai multe premii speciale.

    Sa incepem.

    Premiul acordat pentru efortul de a spune celor interesati despre filmul, ori serialul preferat, ajutata de random.org, este acordat lui aleks29. Felicitari omule! Ai 250.000 puncte.

    Premiul special acordat de mine in mod subiectiv, doar pentru ca franceza suna atat de sexy, se acorda lui goldbuster. Bravo! Ai 300.000 puncte.
    "Un homme à la hauteur."

    Premiul pentru upload era de 600.000, doar pentru ca m-am gandit sa incurajez aceasta practica… Nimeni nu l-a vrut, asa ca am facut urmatoarele premii speciale in valoare de 20000 puncte fiecare [​IMG]

    Pentru ca stie sa respecte munca uploaderului - manuelboy
    "Mi-a placut foarte mult Hallowen 2007.Ms uploaderului."

    Pentru ca stie sa dea cu peria, desi nu asta e ideea [​IMG] – zuzu1L
    "game of thrones; prison break; spartacus.sper sa fiu norocosul care se va bucura de generozitatea ta"

    Pentru ca [​IMG] foarte scurt! – Mrrrr

    Pentru ca [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] vrajeala [​IMG] – God2man
    "What the day owes the night (Ce que le jour doit à la nuit)
    Despre dragoste , prietenie , pierdere ...O superba adaptare a romanului omonim semnat de Yasmina Khadra. Observ ca acest concurs a fost initiat de o reprezentanta a sexului frumos , so this movie should do the trick"
    P.S : For the guys , Nora Arnezeder este dureros de frumoasa"

    Pentru descrierea convingatoare - guillaume
    "Ca serial THE PERSUADERS cu regretatii Roger Moore si Tony Curtis, realizat pe la inceputul anilor '70. Are cam 24 de eposoade (daca nu gresesc) si e filmat in locatii exclusiviste din Anglia, Franta, Elvetia, etc. Desi este vechi, eu il consider un serial de bun gust cu mult umor, aventura si violenta moderata. Este interesant cum arata lumea si societatea occidentala, in general la inceputul anilor 70. De vazut, l-am vazut, dar din pacate nu-l am, ca se gaseste foarte greu la o calitate acceptabila, chiar si pe extern."

    Pentru ca a vazut substratul, asta e rar in ziua de azi - IceIceBaby
    "Being There 1979
    La prima vedere este o simpla comedie cu unul neiesit in lume, dar in realitate e mult mai mult de atat. Referiri subtile la masonerie, cine conduce in realitate, cat de influenta e televiziunea pentru oameni, mai multe chestii, dar trebuie sa fii un pic "initiat", sa ai idee despre ce se zice acolo. Mie mi se pare un film extraordinar."

    Pentru “cartea de telefoane” – raptor1682
    "Film: Oblivion (2013)
    Serial: Game of Thrones (clar cel mai captivant din ultima perioada, mai putin ultimul sezon, care e facut dupa cartea de telefoane...)."

    Pentru efortul de a ne convinge in cuvinte frumoase - julesverne
    "In gramada de filme horror cotate cu 3,4,5 si uneori 6,care ne coplesesc ca numar si in care unii de plictiseala ii taie pe altii cu drujba bucata cu bucata spre deliciul publicului,se mai ratacesc si filme care te impresioneaza si-ti dau de gindit la modul poziti,In ultimul timp cred ca DUNKIRK este filmul care se detaseaza cu eleganta si merita a fi declarant cu adevarat valoros."

    Pentru ca e serialul meu de salvare…oricat de suparata as fi – eight
    "The Big Bang Theory
    Serial genial cu o durata de viata deja de 10 ani."

    Pentru puterea de convingere - fulgeru
    "From Dusk Till Dawn - stiu ca e din 1996 dar l-am descoperit doar ieri.
    numa' sa va uitati ce casting are..."

    Pentru ca desi papa danonino...are un comportament bun [​IMG] - danonino / Well done. Good behavior. [​IMG]

    Premiile se vor materializa in maxim 3 zile de la data editarii acestui mesaj - 17.01.2018. Daca in acest timp nu primiti premiul, astept un pm si se rezolva [​IMG]

    FELICITARI TUTUROR!!! Voi inchide acest topic si voi reveni cu un nou concurs...foarte curand [​IMG].
    Google forditás!:
    Hello runners by movies, especially runners by points

    Unfortunately, no one was found to pick up the movies you recommended, those that are not on the site, the prize was maricel and I decided to share it in several special prizes.

    Let's begin.

    The award for the effort to tell those interested in the movie, or the favorite series, helped by random.org, is given to aleks29. Congratulations, man! You have 250,000 points.

    The special award that I subjectively granted, just because the French sounds so sexy, is given to the goldbuster. Bravo! You have 300,000 points.
    "A homme à la hauteur."

    The uploading prize was 600,000, just because I was thinking of encouraging this practice ... No one wanted it, so we made the following special prizes worth 20000 points each

    Because he knows how to observe the work of the uploader - manuelboy
    "I really enjoyed Hallowen 2007.Mos uploader."

    Because he knows how to brush, though that's not the point - zuzu1L
    "game of thrones; prison break; spartacus.sper to be lucky who will enjoy your generosity"

    Because very short! - Mrrrr

    Because the gang - God2man
    "What the day owes the night"
    About Love, Friendship, Loss ... A gorgeous adaptation of the homonymous novel signed by Yasmina Khadra. I notice that this contest was initiated by a representative of beautiful sex, so this movie should do the trick "
    P.S: For the guys, Nora Arnezeder is painfully beautiful "

    For compelling description - guillaume
    "As a series of THE PERSUADERS with the regrets of Roger Moore and Tony Curtis, made in the early 70s, it has about 24 episodes (if not wrong) and is filmed in exclusive locations in England, France, Switzerland, etc. Although it is old, I consider it a good humor series with humor, adventure and moderate violence. It's interesting how the world and Western society look, generally in the early 70's. Seeing it, I saw it, but unfortunately I do not have it it is very hard to find acceptable quality, even on the outside. "

    Because he saw the substrate, that's rare today - IceIceBaby
    "Being There 1979
    At first glance it's just a comedy with one that's not in the world, but in reality it's a lot more than that. Subtle references to masonry, who leads in reality, how influential is television for people, more stuff, but you have to be a bit "initiated" to have an idea of what is said there. It seems to me an extraordinary movie. "

    For the "phone book" - raptor1682
    "Movie: Oblivion (2013)
    Serial: Game of Thrones (clearly the most exciting lately, except the last season, which is made after the phone book ...). "

    For the effort to convince us in beautiful words - julesverne
    "In the horror series of 3,4,5 and sometimes 6 horror films that overwhelm us as a number and where some of the boredom cuts others with a piece of drudgery piece to the audience's delight, there are also films that impress you and I'm thinking about positively, Lately, I think DUNKIRK is the film that takes off with elegance and deserves to be a truly valuable declarant. "

    Because it's my salvation series ... no matter how angry I am - eight
    "The Big Bang Theory
    Serious brilliant series with a lifetime of 10 years. "

    For the power of persuasion - lightning
    "From Dusk Till Dawn - I know it's since 1996 but I just discovered it yesterday.
    just "forget what casting has ..."

    Because although Papa danonino ... has a good behavior - danonino / Well done. Good behavior.

    The awards will materialize within 3 days of the date of this posting - 17.01.2018. If you do not receive the prize, I wait for a pm and resolve

    CONGRATULATIONS EVERYONE!!! I will close this topic and I will come back with a new contest ... very soon