Külföldi torrent oldalak CosaNostra | CN Cn 3rd Birthday

A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' Vendég hozta létre. Ekkor: 2015. január 16..

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    2014. augusztus 31.
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    CN 3rd Birthday


    It's that time again, CN is celebrating it's 3rd Birthday. The previous year saw a lot of us staffers go inactive, for various reasons, all unavoidable.

    However thats all behind us now, and most of us are back on board & with some new wiseguys to boot. What better way to celebrate than to use CN's birthday as an excuse..lol.

    Anyways, FREELEECH and DOUBLE UPLOAD is enabled, enjoy it while it lasts! There is also a free for all competition in the Mafia Hall of Fame, don't miss out on entering a very simple competition!

    Please go check out the competition here CN Birthday Comp

    Happy Birthday CN [​IMG]

    EDIT: DO NOT post happy birthday greeting ONLY in the Birthday Competition please. Its for competition entries ONLY!