Külföldi torrent oldalak CosaNostra | CN Small Donations Method Change

A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. május 20..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Small Donations Method Change

    Small Donations Method Change

    Seems our previous donations provider went awol. Luckily we managed to only lose 5eur. So all good.

    So new donations will now come directly to me via a tech-support site I run. Its a new site and I will add to it as time goes by. Please note that since the donations come to me now, I will see the transactions personally. We had a 3rd party doing that part for us before. So we lose that aspect. Feel free to check out how to donate via the donate page HERE

    I value my privacy as well as others so rest assured your details will never be revealed. But since most people use dodgy paypal accounts anyways, hopefully won't be an issue. For those unsure, I have been in BT for well over 5 years and have never done anything to cause a stain next to my name. This is a hobby for me and the other staffers and we do this for the pleasure of it. No one but me will have access to the paypal account.

    Thanks for all those that have supported CN and those that will continue to do so. Provided I don't lose my paypal account we should be good to go for donations now. Also note we are paid up for the next 3 months woohoo [​IMG]